Chicks boarding Pan Am Dinner Key MiamiTiny Chickens Were Big Business, Thanks to Pan Am.

Aboard the S-42 Brazilian Clipper

"Cheep! Ex-Eggs Bunk in Pullman, Rush Drumsticks to Rio."


"Delivery van arrives at sea-plane terminal with load of newly hatched chicks bound for South America."

"Pan American Airways System Air Mail & Express" delivery van driving rapidly on palm tree-lined road. VS sea-plane, propellors spinning, floating beside dock and terminal building. VS passengers boarding sea-plane (Pan American Airways System). VS delivery van speeding around curves. Roadway leading to water. CU pilot, wearing white cap, anxiously checking his watch. Delivery van drives passed airplane hanger; stops on roadway leading to water. 2 men, wearing white coveralls and caps, unloading stacks of boxes from rear of van; walking toward boat; handing boxes to pilot who places them in cargo hold. Pilot reaches o.s for clipboard and signs. VS sea-plane leaving dock; taking off; flying. Delivery van driving on palm tree-lined road; stopping in front of building indicating "Biscayne Hatcheries, Inc. - Baby Chicks"; ECU dozens of baby chicks in 3 wooden drawers; CU several wooden drawers stuffed with hundreds of live chicks; hand gently strokes them; removes, then returns egg to drawer. ECU chick hatching as another chick stands beside it; chick emerges from shell. Hands transferring newly hatched chicks to cardboard carton (empty shells visible); places cardboard lid indicating "Baby Chicks" over carton; hands remove box. Delivery van with rear doors open; man, wearing white coveralls and caps, loading stacks of cardboard boxes into van. CU 2 baby chicks in toy airplane with spinning propeller; ECU same."

Chevrolet Leader News (Vol. 5, No. 2)
by Handy (Jam) Organization
Published 1939, Usage Public Domain, Courtesy of the Internet Archive (
Producer Handy (Jam) Organization