A JUNE 15, 1935 
 The Second Pan Am Survey to Midway
with Ed Musick in command


Cable Station on Midway Atoll in May 1935 Cable Station on Midway Atoll in May 1935, US Navy photo, Wikimedia.

"A Clipper-Plane's Flight" 

Five gallons of ice-cream, packed in a refrigerating chemical, were a treat to the thirty-five Americans living on the two sandy islets of Midway atoll, in a coral-locked mid-Pacific lagoon, on June 15. The frozen sweet had come 1,254 miles, from Pearl Harbor, near Honolulu, in nine hours, thirteen minutes. It was flown to the second station on the projected transpacific air-route to the Far East by Pan American Airways' four-motored clipper-plane. Piloted by Capt. Edwin C. Musick, the plane carried a crew of five, and two passengers - airline officials on an inspection-trip.


The flight followed the "on schedule" precedent established in the giant amphibion's pioneering trips to Hawaii from Alameda, California. Other stepping-stones to Asia in the Pan American route are Wake Island, 1,442 miles from Midway; Guam, 1,151 miles from Wake; Manila, 1,506 miles from Guam.

The second transpacific survey flight, terminating at Midway on June 15th, 1935 was conducted two months after the first flight, which went as far as Honolulu before returning to California.

Excerpted from Literary Digest, June 22, 1935, p. 6.