“Captain of the Tides: Gunner Morgan” written by Gunner's grandson, Charles D. Morgan and Jacque Hillman, has been awarded the 2022 Military Writers Society of America’s national bronze medal for historical fiction

Gunner Morgan was a former naval officer and resident of Key West with strong ties to Cuba and a deep knowledge of the ways of the sea. His expertise became invaluable to Pan American Airways at the start of operations in Key West in 1927 and he continued to work for Pan Am for a decade. ”Captain of the Tides: Gunner Morgan," has been awarded the 2022 Military Writers Society of America’s national bronze medal for historical fiction, The book, written by his grandson, Charles D. Morgan, and Jacque Hillman has been reviewed by Rob Ballister in the March 2022 MWSA Dispatches” https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4635015230


Gunner Morgan PDF Cover copy


Charles Morgan on writing his book, the amazing history around Gunner Morgan with some great photos:

